The NTIA announced last August, 2016, that it will transition final oversight of the internet domain system root zone and other core internet infrastructure registries to ICANN. In the land of cyberspace, a URL (uniform resource locator)– more commonly known as “website address,” (e.g. => is analogous to the physical-street addresses people generally reference while recalling location or giving directions; expanding this analogy… Read more →
Department of Defense & Veterans Affairs Interoperability Failure-Factors
As lead-contributor for a GWMSIST technical project-management study on the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Interoperable Electronic Health Record (iEHR), I examined the failure-factors delaying electronic-medical health care records exchanged between the two legacy-systems (see section below). In order to facilitate the aforementioned, DoD recently termed a joint-contract to Cerner and Leidos, industry-leaders in EMR, chartered to deliver a… Read more →