Category: Tech Blog

An infographic detailing all aspects of User-Experience design.

Metaphors, Learning and Flexibility in User Experience

What are the Pro’s and Con’s of Metaphors in U/X? Pro: Relatable.  Regardless of learning-style, we can only begin to understand a new idea or concept by relating it to knowledge of something already understood, which is why metaphors are so prolific in programming- from “spinning-up” a new AWS ec2-Instance to “forking a repo,” computer-scientists can only begin to learn… Read more →

A picture of Kirsten Stewart at her directorial debut premier of Come Swim.

Prescience is Only Appreciated in Retrospect: Artificially Intelligent Cinematography

  The word technology is derived from Greek– a synthesis of two words,  “techne” : “logos” : : “art” : “logic” | “The art of science and the science of art.” Dr. Vannevar Bush’s As We May Think peels deep into the future, over seventy-years before his time, extrapolating precursory technologies now taken for granted: from “relational databases,” to “dry… Read more →


Open-Source Healthcare via Blockchain

  EHRs/EMRs (electronic health records/electronic medical records) are ready for blockchain- a paradigm-shift orders of magnitude more groundbreaking than the existing network haphazardly cobbled by the healthcare status-quo.  The regulatory climate may be nebulous but navigable for blockchain-believers in healthcare. I’ll add more within the next few weeks ahead, but I’ve included my case-study, industry-surveillance report cited and presentation below… Read more →

The ICANN logo used for preview.

Cyberspace Street Address

The NTIA announced last August, 2016, that it will transition final oversight of the internet domain system root zone and other core internet infrastructure registries to ICANN. In the land of cyberspace, a URL (uniform resource locator)– more commonly known as “website address,” (e.g. => is analogous to the physical-street addresses people generally reference while recalling location or giving directions; expanding this analogy… Read more →

A World Lit Only By Code

This case-study was produced by Alexander J. Singleton, master of science in information systems technology candidate in pursuit at The George Washington University – School of Business.  The publication is now accessible in its entirety below via Scribd.   “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things… Read more →

On the Event-Horizon of a Data-Centric Future

  The advent of database-science began back in 1970 at IBM’s San Jose Research Laboratory with publication of groundbreaking-research by Dr. E.F. Codd describing the first relational database model.  Nearly one decade later, Relational Software Incorporated, the precursor to Larry Ellison’s empire known today as Oracle, released the first relational database management system (RDMS) using modern structured-query languages (SQL) for… Read more →

Amazon Web Services Tutorial

I’ve decided to provide a quick demonstration of how to create a Bitnami LAMP instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS) ec2 virtual cloud.  This tutorial aims to educate public interests on how ostensibly simple website interactions are actually quite complex and easy to take for granted. The instructions below are from the README file contained within the tutorial-files available at my… Read more →

Department of Defense & Veterans Affairs Interoperability Failure-Factors

As lead-contributor for a GWMSIST technical project-management study on the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Interoperable Electronic Health Record (iEHR), I examined the failure-factors delaying electronic-medical health care records exchanged between the two legacy-systems (see section below).  In order to facilitate the aforementioned, DoD recently termed a joint-contract to Cerner and Leidos, industry-leaders in EMR, chartered to deliver a… Read more →

Google AdWords: The Art of Scrum && Quintuple-Constraint

 As a graduate-student at The George Washington University – School of Business in pursuit of a Master of Science in Information Systems Technology, I recently published a case-study on Google AdWords.  I’ve developed a newfound respect for Agile methodologies, more specifically Scrum.  I recall encountering a work by Jeff Sutherland predicting that academics will study business-management science within the context of pre/post-Scrum, as a watershed moment in history.… Read more →