Why GW? On Returning to My Alma Mater for Graduate School

Returning to my alma mater, albeit virtually, is a “connection of my dots,” as Steve Jobs so eloquently phrased it.  The George Washington University School of Business pioneered the Master of Science in Information Systems Technology in 1980, which was a remarkably prescient move.  Now, GW is leading the revolutionary forefront of modern education by offering curricula online— so why GW?  Although my professional passion is at the intersection of finance and technology, all roads lead to Washington. As an undergraduate majoring in International Business, I never missed a lecture because each class was fascinatingly framed within a geopolitical context; commerce doesn’t just happen in a vacuum- for better or worse, government presides over markets.  From Duquès Hall to Elliott School, I vividly recall robust discussions and provocative debates about one interdependent economy.  At the end of the day, a university is only as renowned as the calibre of its students.  GW produces cerebral but motivated students empowered by their diverse intellectual contributions curated by world-class instruction.  Though education is in a state of flux, GW will endure because alumni success has already spoken.  I will be honored to call myself an alum, twice-over, as a politically-enlightened businessperson, equipped with technological skill-sets, Enterprise-Ready for the 21st century.


U.S. News & World Report Ranks The George Washington University International Business Program #10 in the Nation at BBA Level, #5 by Financial Times



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